kids' first job

Your kids’ first job: weekend work, newspaper rounds and more…

For many kids, managing their own pocket money is a great first taste of financial independence, offering them the chance to learn how to save and spend responsibly. Some kids, however, may get to a point where they want to have a little more independence and earn their own money with a part time job.

So, for those kids who are wanting to take their first steps in the world of work, what options are out there for their first ever job?

Helping out neighbours

Helping neighbours and family friends with odd jobs is usually a great way for kids to supplement their pocket money, and experience earning for the very first time. Not only can helping those in your local community be really rewarding for them, but they can also get a first taste of what it’s like to earn their own money.

Jobs for neighbours can range from watering the garden when they’re on holiday, washing cars and cleaning, to house sitting, babysitting and even tutoring! And, if your kids find they enjoy doing odd jobs like these and want to expand their business, they can even advertise their availability by distributing flyers in the neighbourhood or advertising in a local newsletter.

Weekend and part time work

Some older children and teenagers might decide that they’d prefer more regular work, or a job that gives them experience of working in a business, so weekend or part time work may be the best option for them.

Whether it’s starting off with a paper round before school, or working a few shifts in a local shop or restaurant, there are tonnes of great part time opportunities for kids who are looking to dip their toes into the world of work.

If they need a bit of help finding the right job for them, check out Jooble – a great online job vacancy platform where you and your kids can search for a wide range of opportunities nearby you. Whether they have a particular type of job in mind, or are browsing for ideas, simply search a few terms on Jooble, adding your location, and you can filter the vacancies to show those opportunities that would work best for them!

Whichever route your kids or teens decide to go down, earning their own money through odd jobs or part time work is a great way for them to take the next step towards becoming more financially independent! If your kids have recently started their first job, we’d love to hear about the work they’re doing to earn their own income – and, if they need some guidance on how to save their hard earned money, take a look at our previous blog on saving tips.

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