home school - Interview with nimbl user

The inside track on six weeks of home school

Since the start of the latest lockdown, families have been pitched back into the tight-rope walk of trying to combine work life, home life and school life – which isn’t always an easy mix! So, while this half term break may not have offered the usual opportunities for a much-needed getaway, it is, at least, some time away from home schooling for both parents and kids.

With that in mind, we decided to catch up with a young nimbl user to get the low-down on home schooling – what is it really like? Plenty’s been said about what parents are finding challenging about home school – but what about children?

We asked Florence, 9, to tell us about her home school set up, as well as her top tips on how parents can best help out their kids:


Where do you set up for home school – is it easy to find a quiet space?

“In my house I work in the kitchen, and usually my mum or dad works there too so they can help me. It’s usually pretty quiet – until the dog starts chasing the cat around the place, or my brothers barge in looking for snacks…!”


What’s it like trying to learn at home without your teacher?

“Well it’s easy and hard at the same time. It’s helpful that they give us videos with the teacher talking and explaining how to do things or reading stories, but it’s hard because I can’t ask her any questions. All the videos are on Google classroom.”


What’s it like having Zoom lessons – do you sometimes get the chance to talk to your class?

“It’s quite fun because you get to see your friends’ faces and have a good time! In the afternoon we Zoom and you can talk about the work you did – but it’s sometimes hard if you haven’t finished everything and you get asked a question. They schedule it out so you’re supposed to do reading, English and Maths in the morning, but sometimes I can’t get to the end…”


What do you miss about school?

“Well the subjects you do after lunch are fun when you get to do them as a whole class – things like science experiments, art and music. I miss being able to do things like that with my class. I really miss my friends and playing outside at breaktime. But I don’t miss school lunches!”


Are your parents good at helping you with your Maths and English learning?

“Sometimes they can be quite annoying! My mum is better at teaching me – but she’s not very good at Maths! I usually know the Maths better than her and she keeps getting it wrong.”


What advice would you give to a parent who is struggling to help their kid with a Maths problem?

“You have to let them have a go first before you start telling them how to do it!”


What are you most looking forward to about going back to school?

“Seeing my friends and my teacher.”


Thanks to Florence for sharing her helpful insights into what home school is like for kids. If you’re on the hunt for some home school hacks to keep learning from home fun-filled, don’t forget to check out our recent blog on the best free resources on offer this lockdown!

Or if you want to share your experience with home schooling, send us a message on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!




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