New Year… New Spending Habits

How to shake December splurges...

Now January is upon us, alongside a new healthy eating regime, many of us also opt for a change in our spending and saving habits after splurging over the Christmas period.

If you’re stuck thinking how you can make your changes a reality, we’ve come up with some short term and easy fixes that can have a positive long-lasting effect on your money – helping you achieve larger goals in the long run.

  1. Set a budget

It might sound like a simple one, but many of us often forget to set a realistic budget for the month, meaning that spending can sometimes spiral out of control without us even realising. Setting a budget from a young age (and sticking to it) will also put you in good stead for managing monthly outgoings and bills in the future. 

  1. Be creative with what you have

Do you really need to go out and buy something new, or do you have another suitable item already at home? Sometimes we can unnecessarily spend rather than being resourceful and creative by making the most of items already round the house, so next time you tap and go or chip and pin, stop and think before parting with your precious money.

  1. Shop around and source the deals

Now more than ever there are fantastic deals to be had, both online and in-store. With sites such as vouchercloud promoting deals on both items and eateries, by spending time scouting out a deal you could save yourself a lot of money. Getting into the practice of becoming a savvy spender will help you save in the long run.

  1. Set a savings goal

Setting a realistic savings goal is a good start and step in the right direction to making a positive change to your finances. With your nimbl card, there is a separate savings account to keep your spending and saving balances apart (and resist temptation.) Plus if you are new to saving, or want a little boost, through our microsavings feature you can save every time you spend – helping you to find a healthy balance between spending and saving.

If you have started saving this year and have any other top tips why not let us know at!

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